References of Primary Development Paper
- Dijkstra A. Care Dependency: An assessment instrument for use in long-term care facilities. Academic Thesis. Groningen: De Regenboog, 1998.
Manual of the CDS
The manual can be downloaded as follows:
Publications (with regard to the concept of (care) dependency or the development and psychometric testing of the Care Dependency Scale)
For more information about one of the mentioned publications, please, contact:
Protected email address
Academic theses
- Dijkstra A. Care Dependency: an assessment instrument for use in long-term care facilities. Groningen: Stichting Drukkerij C. Regenboog, 1998.
- Lohrmann C. Die Pflegeabhängigkeitsskala: ein Einschätzungsinstrument für Heime und Kliniken. Eine methodologische Studie. Berlin: Pro Business, 2003.
- Tork H. Care Dependency of Children in Egypt. Berlin: Charité-Universitätsmedizin, 2007.
- Eichhorn-Kissel J. The Care Dependency Scale for Rehabilitation (CDS-R). An investigation of its psychometric properties and clinical utility. Graz: Institute of Nursing Science,2011.
- Boggatz T. Growing Old in Egypt. The Supply and Demand of Care for Older Persons. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 2011.
Scientific articles (peer reviewed)
- Amir, Y., Kottner, J., Schols, J.M., Lohrmann, C., & Halfens, R.J. (2014). Psychometric properties of the Dutch National Prevalence Measurement of Care Problems used to measure quality of pressure ulcer care in Indonesian hospitals. Advance in Skin & Wound Care, 27(8),363-370.
- Boggatz, T., Dijkstra, A., Lohrmann, C., & Dassen, T. (2007). The meaning of care dependency as shared by caregivers and care recipients: a concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60(5), 561-569. G
- Boggatz, T., Farid, T., Mohammedin, A., Dijkstra, A., Lohrmann, C., & Dassen, T. (2009). Cultural Adequateness of the Care Dependency Scale for Older Persons in Egypt: A Delphi Study. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 20, 51-60.
- Boggatz, T., Farid, T., Mohammedin, A., Dijkstra, A., Lohrmann, C., & Dassen, T. (2009). Psychometric properties of the Extended Care Dependency Scale for Older Persons in Egypt. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18, 3280-3289.
- Boggatz, T., Farid, T., Mohammedin, A., Dijkstra, A., Lohrmann, C., & Dassen, T. (2010). Socio-demographic factors related to functional limitations and care dependency among older Egyptians. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(5), 1047-1058.
- Boggatz, T. (2011). Growing Old in Egypt. The Supply and Demand of Care for Older Persons. Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press.
- Buist, G.A.H., Dijkstra, A., & Post, D. (2001). Patient’s self-assessment of care dependency: The starting point of the nurse-patient relationship in long-term care facilities. In: Oud, N (Ed.). Proceedings of the third European Conference of ACENDIO in Berlin, Naming Nursing – Developing and Communicating Nursing’s professional Language (pp. 210-212). Bern: Hans Huber Verlag.
- Caljouw, M.A.A., Cools, H.J.M., & Gussekloo, J. (2014). Natural course of care dependency in residents of long-term care facilities: prospective follow-up study. BMC Geriatrics, 14(67), 1-8.
- Dassen, Th.W.N, et al. (1998). PAS - Ein Verfahren zur Beurteilung der Pflegeabhängigkeit (Klinikbereich). Zentrum für Human- und Gesundheitswissenschaften der Berliner Hochschulmedizin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Berlin: Institüt für Medizin-/Pflegepädagogik und Pflegewissenschaft.
- Dassen, Th.W.N., Balzer, K., Bansemir, G., Kühne, P., Saborowski, R., & Dijkstra, A. (2001). Die PflegeAbhängigkeitSkala, eine methodologische Studie. Pflege, 14, 123-127.
- Dijkstra, A., Buist, G., & Dassen, Th.W.N. (1996). Nursing-Care Dependency: Development of an assessment scale for demented and mentally handicapped patients. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Science, 10, 137-143.
- Dijkstra, A., Buist, G., & Dassen, Th.W.N. (1996). Nursing-Care Dependency: Development and psychometric testing of the NCD-scale for demented and mentally handicapped in-patients. In: Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference of the WENR, Research on Nursing throughout the Lifespan, Volume 1. (pp. 117-126). Västervik: Ekblad & Co.
- Dijkstra, A. (1996). Zorgafhankelijkheid van psychogeriatrische patiënten: een instrument voor het vaststellen van de zorgvraag door ziekenverzorgenden. In: Congresbundel Vlaams-Ne-derlands Wetenschappelijk congres, Onderzoek in de verpleging en verzorging in relatie tot de praktijk. (pp. 307-308). Maastricht: De Tijdstroom.
- Dijkstra, A. (1997). Comparison of Dutch and Canadian data for further psychometric testing of the Nursing Care Dependency (NCD) scale. In: Concurrent abstracts of the first European Conference of ACENDIO, From Diagnosis to Outcomes. (pp. 27). Amsterdam: Royal College of Nursing.
- Dijkstra, A. (1997). Assessment of care dependency in long term care facilities. In: Concurrent abstracts of the second European Nursing Congress, Empowerment of the chronically ill: a challenge for nursing. (pp. 18). Amsterdam: ENC.
- Dijkstra, A., Sipsma, D.H., & Dassen, Th.W.N. (1998). Care Dependency and survival among female patients with Alzheimer’s disease: a two-year follow-up. Croation Medical Journal, 39(3), 269-274.
- Dijkstra, A., Buist, G., & Dassen, Th.W.N. (1998). A criterion-related validity study of the Nursing-Care Dependency (NCD) scale. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 35(3), 163-170.
- Dijkstra, A., Buist, G., & Dassen, Th.W.N. (1998). Operationalization of the concept of 'nursing-care dependency’ for use in long-term care facilities. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 7, 142-151.
- Dijkstra, A. (1998). Het meten van zorgafhankelijkheid van mensen met een verstandelijke handicap. In: Lezingenbundel Ne¬derlands-Vlaams Wetenschappelijke studiedag, Verpleegkundig onderzoek in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg. Breda.
- Dijkstra, A. (1998). Care Dependency; an assessment instrument for use in long-term care facilities. Academic thesis. Groningen: De Regenboog.
- Dijkstra, A., Buist, G., Moorer, P., & Dassen, Th.W.N. (1999). Construct validity of the Nursing-Care Dependency scale. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 8. 380-388.
- Dijkstra, A., Sipsma, D.H., & Dassen, Th.W.N. (1999). Predictors of Care Dependency in Alzheimer’s disease after a two-year period. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 36, 487-495.
- Dijkstra, A., Buist, G., & Dassen, Th.W.N. (1999). De zorgafhankelijkheidsschaal in de verstandelijk gehandicapten zorg. Tijdschrift voor Zwakzinnigenzorg, 3, 176-186.
- Dijkstra, A. (1999). Operationalization of the concept care dependency for use in long-term nursing care facilities. In: Concurrent abstracts of the second European Conference of ACENDIO, Creating nursing’s language for the next millenium: Nurses Network across Europe. (pp. 48). Venezia: Royal College of Nursing.
- Dijkstra, A. (1999). Assessing care dependency: from concept to instrument development. In: Concurrent abstracts of the second International Conference of MCN, Nursing Theories. (pp. 55). Nürnberg: MCN.
- Dijkstra, A., Buist, G.A.H., Dassen, Th.W.N., Van den Heuvel, W.J.A. (1999). Het meten van zorgafhankelijkheid met de Care Dependency Scale (CDS): een handleiding. Groningen: Noordelijk Centrum voor Gezondheidsvraagstukken.
- Dijkstra, A., Buist, G., Brown, L., Haven, B., Romoren, T., Zanotti, R., Dassen, Th.W.N., & Heuvel, van den W. (2000). An international psychometric testing of the Nursing-Care Dependency (NCD) scale. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31(4), 944-952.
- Dijkstra, A., Buist, G., Dassen, Th.W.N., & Moorer, P. (2000). A reliability and utility study of the Care Dependency Scale. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Science, 14, 155-161.
- Dijkstra, A., Coleman, M., Dassen, Th.W.N., Romoren, T., Välimäki, M., & Zanotti, R. (2000). Zorgafhankelijkheid: gemeten in Europees perspectief. Tijdschrift Gerontologie Geriatrie, 31, 245-251.
- Dijkstra, A. (2001). Eureca: developing a common language for use in the elderly care. In: Oud, N (Ed.). Proceedings of the third European Conference of ACENDIO in Berlin, Naming Nursing – Developing and Communicating Nursing’s professional Language. (pp. 167-170). Bern: Hans Huber Verlag.
- Dijkstra, A., Brouwer, F., & Buist, G.A.H. (2001). Frysk yn de âldereinsoarch: in Frysktalich mjitynstrumint foar Soarchôfhinklikens. Evaluatierapport. Groningen: Noordelijk Centrum voor Gezondheidsvraagstukken. (Subsidie: provincie Fryslân).
- Dijkstra, A., Tiesinga, L.J., Goossen, W.T.F., & Dassen, Th.W.N. (2002). Further psychometric testing of the Dutch Care Dependency Scale on two different patient groups. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 8(6), 305-314.
- Dijkstra, A., Coleman, M., Tomas, C., Välimäki, M., & Dassen, Th.W.N. (2003). Cross-cultural psychometric testing of the Care Dependency Scale with data gathered in three countries. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 43(2), 181-187.
- Dijkstra, A., Brouwer, F.J., Buist, G.A.H., & Dassen, T.W.N. (2003). De 'Soarchmjitter'. Het gebruik van een Friestalig meetinstrument in de ouderenzorg. Tijdschrift Gerontologie Geriatrie, 24, 260-266.
- Dijkstra, A., Tiesinga, L.J., Plantinga, L., Veltman, G., & Dassen, Th.W.N. (2005). Diagnostic accuracy of the Care Dependency Scale. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 50(4), 410-416.
- Dijkstra, A., Smith, J., White, M. (2006). Measuring care dependency with the Care Dependency Scale (CDS): a manual. Groningen: Noordelijk Centrum voor Gezondheidsvraagstukken.
- Dijkstra, A., & Andela, R.M. (2009). Psychometrische eigenschappen van de Care Dependency Scale - ziekenhuisversie. Verpleegkunde, 24(3), 6-10.
- Dijkstra, A., Muszalik, M., K?dziora-Kornatowska, K., & Kornatowski, T. (2010), Care Dependency Scale - Psychometric testing of the Polish version. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 24, 62-66.
- Dijkstra, A., Hakverdio?lu Yönt, G., Akin Korhan, E., Muszalik, M., K?dziora-Kornatowska, K., & Suzuki, M. (2012). The Care Dependency Scale for measuring basic human needs: an international comparison. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(10), 2341-2348.
- Dijkstra, A., Andela, R., Hakverdio?lu Yönt, G., Akin Korhan, E., & Muszalik, M. (2014). The influence of individual and health related variables on care dependency among hospitalized elderly patients: an international comparison. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society 2nd European Regional Conference, 16-18 June 2014, Gothenburg. In: Leadership, Learning and Research in Nursing and Midwifery, conference abstract, 81-82.
- Dijkstra, A., Hakverdio?lu Yönt, G., Muszalik, M., Andela, R., Akin Korhan, E., & K?dziora-Kornatowska, K. (2015). Health Related Quality of Life and Care Dependency among Elderly Hospital Patients: An International Comparison. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 235, 193-200.
- Dijkstra, A., Suzuki, M., Kazimier, H., Fujiwara, M., & Saegusa, T. (2015). Relationship between care dependency and behavioral symptoms among elderly in-patients in Japan and The Netherlands. SAGE Open Medicine, doi:10.1177/2050312115590425.
- Dijkstra, A., Kazimier, H., & Halfens, R.J.G. (2015). Using the Care Dependency Scale for identifying patients at risk for pressure ulcer. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(11), 2529–2539. doi:10.1111/jan.12713.
- Dijkstra, A. (2017). Using the Care Dependency Scale for identifying patients at risk for malnutrition. Meeting abstract. European Academy of Nursing Science and the Swedish Society of Nursing Summer Conference 2017: The Future Direction of European Nursing and Nursing Research. Malmö, Sweden. 04-05 July 2017. In: BMC Nursing, 16, 8(Suppl 1):32. doi:10.1186/s12912-017-0218-2.
- Dijkstra, A., Kazimier, H., Finnema, E., Lohrmann, C., Lahmann, N., Smith, J., et al. (2017). Lessons from the development and testing of three digital care pathways in an international collaboration. In: R. Coelen, K.W. van de Hoek, & H. Blom (eds), Valorisation of Internationalisation (pp. 15-29).
- Dijkstra, A. (2017). Care Dependency. In: S. Schüssler S, & C. Lohrmann (Eds.), Dementia in Nursing Home (pp. 229-248). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49832-4.
- Dijkstra, B.H., Schoep, I.M., Postma, C., De Jong, J., & Dijkstra, A. (2012). Healthy Ageing through Serious Gaming – exergaming decreases care dependency. In: Abstracts Conference Healthy Ageing, Practice and Innovation in the four universities of applied sciences in the northern Netherlands (pp. 58). Groningen: Hanze University of Applied Sciences.
- Dijkstra, B.H., Dijkstra, A., Finnema, E.J, Sanderman, R., & Van Sonderen E. (2014). The use of elderly-care-quality-prevalence-measurements in nursing science, gerontology and geriatrics: the LPZ-case – searching for determinants of Care Dependency. The 14th European Doctoral Conference in Nursing Science, 12-12 September 2014, Maastricht. In: Nursing Science: One goal, Different Features. Conference abstract, 59-60.
- Doroszkiewicz, H., Sierakowska, M., & Muszalik, M. (2018). Utility of the Care Dependency scale in predicting care needs and health risks of elderly patients admitted to a geriatric unit: a cross-sectional study of 200 consecutive patients. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 13, 887–894.
- Eichhorn, J., Dietze, G., & Lohrmann, C. (2006). Wie nehmen Pflegende die Bedürfnisse der Patienten wahr? Pflegezeitschrift, 59(1), 15-17.
- Eichhorn-Kissel, J., & Lohrmann, C. (2009). Care dependency of the elderly: a great challenge for nursing care. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 121(7-8), 77-78.
- Eichhorn-Kissel, J., Dassen, T., Kottner, J., & Lohrmann, C. (2010). Psychometric testing of the modified Care Dependency Scale for Rehabilitation. Clinical Rehabilitation, 24(4), 363-372.
- Eichhorn-Kissel, J., Dassen, T., & Lohrmann, C. (2010). The clinical utility of the Care Dependency Scale in rehabilitation: nurses’ perception. Journal of Research in Nursing, 15(6), 547-561.
- Eichhorn-Kissel, J., Dassen, T., & Lohrmann, C. (2011). Responsiveness of the Care Dependency Scale for Rehabilitation (CDS-R). Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 26(1), 194-202.
- Eichhorn-Kissel, J., Dassen, T., & Lohrmann, C. (2011). Comparison of the responsiveness of the Care Dependency Scale for Rehabilitation and the Barthel Index. Clinical Rehabilitation, 25(8), 760-767.
- Eichhorn-Kissel, J. (2011). The Care Dependency Scale for Rehabilitation (CDS-R). An investigation of its psychometric properties and clinical utility. Graz: Institute of Nursing Science.
- Hakverdio?lu Yönt, G., Ak?n Korhan, E., Khorshid, L., E?er, ?., & Dijkstra, A. (2010). Bak?m ba??ml?l??? ölçe?inin ya?l? bireylerde geçerlik ve güvenirli?inin incelenmesi. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 13, 71.
- Janssen, D.J., Wouters, E.F., Schols. J.M., & Spruit, M.A. (2008). Self-perceived symptoms and care needs of patients with severe to very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure or chronic renal failure and its consequences for their closest relatives: the research protocol. BMC Palliative Care 2008, 7(5), doi: 10.1186/1472-684X-7-5.
- Janssen, D.J., Franssen, F.M., Wouters, E.F., Schols. J.M., & Spruit, M.A. (2011). Impaired health status and care dependency in patients with advanced COPD or chronic heart failure. Quality of Life Research, 20(10), 1679-1688.
- Janssen, D.J., Wouters, E.F., Schols. J.M., & Spruit, M.A. (2013). Care Dependency Independently Predicts Two-Year Survival in Outpatients With Advanced Chronic Organ Failure. JAMDA, 14, 1994-1998.
- Kazimier, H., Van Buren, H., Finnema, E., & Dijkstra, A. (2012). Development of three international digital Care Pathways. In: Abstracts Conference Healthy Ageing, Practice and Innovation in the four universities of applied sciences in the northern Netherlands (pp. 73). Groningen: Hanze University of Applied Sciences.
- Kazimier-van der Zwaag, H., Dijkstra, A., & Finnema, E. (2014). iCarePathways: digitale zorgpaden in de ouderenzorg. Tijdschrift voor Verpleegkundigen, 4, 57-61.
- Kazimier-Van der Zwaag, H., & Dijkstra, A. (2021). Digital Care Planning: A Matter of Co-Creation. Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine, 7, 082. DOI: 10.24966/GGM-8662/100082
- Kim, E. (2003). Factors influencing care dependency in patients with dementia. Journal of Korean Academic Nursing, 33(6), 705-712.
- Lohrmann, C., Balzer, K., Dijkstra, A., & Dassen, Th. (2001). The Care Dependency Scale – a psychometric study, testing of the German version. Network of European Doctoral Nursing Programmes. Leuven, België.
- Lohrmann, C. (2002). Die Pflegeabhängigkeitsskale: BAGSO-Nachrichten, 4(4), 29.
- Lohrmann, C. (2002). Zu viel Pflege macht abhängig. Pflege Aktuell, 1, 21-24.
- Lohrmann, C. (2002). Die Pflegeabhängigkeitsskale (PAS): Das Maß ist die Unabhängigkeit. Pflegezeitschrift, 7, 501-505.
- Lohrmann, C. (2002). Richtig eingeschätzt: die Pflegeabhängigkeit, Bedarfsermittlung als Basis individueller Pflege. Pflegen Ambulant, 15(5), 195-201.
- Lohrmann, C. (2003). Die Pflegeabhängigkeitsskala: ein Einschätzungsinstrument für Heime und Kliniken – eine methodologische Studie. Dissertation. Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin; Germany.
- Lohrmann, C., Dijkstra, A., & Dassen, Th. (2003). Care dependency: testing the German version of the care dependency scale in nursing homes and on geriatric wards. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 17(1), 51-56.
- Lohrmann, C., Dijkstra, A., & Dassen, Th. (2003). The Care Dependency Scale. An Assessment Instrument for Elderly Patients in German Hospitals. Geriatric Nursing, 24(1), 40-43.
- Lohrmann, C., Balzer, K., Dijkstra, A., & Dassen, T. (2003). Pflegeabhängigkeit im Pflegeheim – eine psychometrische Studie. Zeitschrift Gerontologische Geriatrie, 36, 255-259.
- Lohrmann, C. (2004). Die Pflegeabhängigkeitsskala. In: Bartholomeyezik S, Halek M (Hrsg). Assessmentinstrumente in der Pflege - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Wittener Schriften. Hannover, Deutschland: Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbh & Co KG.
- Mandl, M., Halfens, J.G., & Lohrmann, C. (2016). Interactions of Factors and Profiles of Incontinent Nursing Home Residents and Hospital Patients. A Classification Tree Analysis. Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing, 43(4), 407-413.
- Mertens, E., Tannen, A., Lohrmann. C., & Dassen, T. (2002). Pflegeabhängigkeit im Krankenhaus. Pflege, 15,195-201.
- Mertens, E., Dassen, T., Scheufele, R., Halfens, R.J., & Tannen, T. (2010). Diagnostic Validity of the Care Dependency Scale as a Screening Tool for Pressure Ulcer and Fall Risks in Dutch and German Hospitals. Central European Journal of Medicine, 5(5), 577-587.
- Muszalik, M., Dijkstra, A., K?dziora-Kornatowska, K., Zieli?ska-Wi?czkowska, H., & Kornatowski, T. (2011). Independence of elderly patients with arterial hypertension in fulfilling their needs, in the aspect of functional assessment and quality of life (QoL). Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 52(3), 204-209.
- Muszalik, M., Dijkstra, A., Kedziora-Kornatowska, K., & Zielinska-Wieczkowska, H. (2012). Health and nursing problems of elderly patients related to bio-psycho-social need deficiencies and functional assessment. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 55, 190–194.
- Muszalik, M., K?dziora-Kornatowska, K., Zieli?ska-Wi?czkowska, H., Kornatowski, T., & Dijkstra, A. (2013). The global risk of pressure ulcers among elderly patients – initial diagnosis. Folia Medica Copernicana, 1(1), 31-36.
- Muszalik, M., Kornatowski , T., Zielinska-Wieczkowska, H., Kedziora-Kornatowska, K., & Dijkstra, A. (2015). Functional assessment of geriatric patients in regard to health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Clinical Interventions in Aging, 10, 1-7.
- Paelinck, B., Steendam, L., & Defloor, T. (2007). Care Dependency Scale/Zorgafhankelijkheidsschaal. Evidence Informed Nursing: Individuele Paper. Fakulteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen. Master i/d Verpleegkunde. Universiteit Gent.
- Piredda, M., Ghezzi, V., De Marinis, M.G., & Palese, A. (2015). Latent Growth Modeling of nursing care dependency of acute neurological inpatients. Ann Ig, 27, 492-496.
- Piredda, M., Matarese, M., Mastroianni, C., D’Angelo, D., Hammer, M.J., & De Marinis, M.G.(2015). Adult Patients’ Experiences of Nursing Care Dependence. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(5), 397–406.
- Piredda, M., Biagioli, V., Gambale, G., Porcelli, E., Barbaranelli, C., Palese, A., & De Marinis, M.G. (2016). Psychometric testing of the modified Care Dependency Scale (Neuro-CDS). NeuroRehabilitation, 38(2), 211-219.
- Piredda, M., Bartiromo, C., Capuzzo, M.T., Matarese, M., & De Marinis, M.G. (2016). Nursing care dependence in the experiences of advanced cancer inpatients. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 20, 125–132.
- Piredda, M., Bambi, S., Biagioli, V., Marchetti, A., Ianni, A., Lusignani, M., Rasero, L., Matarese, M., & De Marinis, M.G. (2020). Cross-validation of the Care Dependency Scale in intensive care unit (ICU-CDS). Intensive Critical Care Nursing, 57, 102787.
- Piredda, M., Candela, M.L., Marchetti, A., Biagioli, V., De Maria, M., Facchinetti, G., Albanesi, B., Iacorossi, L., & De Marinis, M.G. (2021). The Care Dependency Scale: A cross validation study in inpatients with cancer. European Journal of Oncology Nursing,
- Puto, G., Sowin?ska, I., S?cis?o, L., Walewska, E., Kamin?ska, A., & Muszalik, M. (2021). Sociodemographic Factors Affecting Older People’s Care Dependency in Their Daily Living Environment According to Care Dependency Scale (CDS). Healthcare, 9, 114.
- Rajabi G., Namadmalan, M., Ghasemzadeh, R., Foroughan, M., Zahednejad, S., & Dijkstra, A. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Persian version of Care Dependency Scale in older people nursing home residents. Payesh, 2, 193-204.
- Rajabi, G., Namadmalan, M., Dijkstra, A., Ghasemzade, R., Foroughan, M., & Zahednejad, S. (2017). Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of Care Dependency Scale in Nursing Homes. Rehabilitation Nursing, 42(4), 216-222. doi: 10.1002/rnj.270.
- Schüssler, S., & Lohrmann, C .(2015). Change in Care Dependency and Nursing Care Problems in Nursing Home Residents with and without Dementia: A 2-Year Panel Study. PLoS ONE,10(10), 1-12.
- Suzuki, M., Mizuno, Y., Fukahori, A., Sumigaki, C., Greiner, C., Isowa, T., Ooshiro, H., Kanamori, M., & Dijkstra, A. (2010). Development of a Japanese Version of the Care Dependency Scale. Japanese Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 21(2), 241-251.
- Tannen, A., Mertens, E., & Dassen, T. (2002). Dekubitus, Sturz und Pflegeabhängigkeit: Studie an elf BerlinerKrankenhäusern. Die Schwester / Der Pfleger, 41(12), 1026-1029.
- Tannen, A., & Lohrmann, C. (2013). Malnutrition in Austrian hospital patients. prevalence, risk factors, nursing interventions, and quality indicators: a descriptive multi-centre study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(8), 1840–1849.
- Tork, H. (2007). Care Dependency of Children in Egypt. Berlin: Charité-Universitätsmedizin.
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- Tork, H., Lohrmann, C., & Dassen, T. (2008). Care dependency of children in Egypt. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(3), 287-295.
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- Vaes, A.W., Machado, F.V.C., Meys, R., Delbressine , J.M., Goertz, Y.M.J., Van Herck, M., Houben-Wilke, S., Franssen, F.M.E., Vijlbrief H., Spies, Y., Van ’t Hul, A.J., Janssen, D.J.A., & Spruit, M.A. (2020). Care Dependency in Non-Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9, 2946; doi:10.3390/jcm9092946.
- Välimäki, M., Dijkstra, A., Soini, H., Antila, M.L., Zanotti, R., & Dassen, Th.W.N. (2004). Elderly patients’ dependency on nursing care. Hallym International Journal of Aging, 6(1), 79-93.
- White, M., & Smith, J. (2010). Research - a tool to empower or disrupt? The effects of research on those involved. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 17(9), 458 – 462.
- Wilborn, D., Lohrmann, C., & Dassen, T. (2004). Deutlicher Unterschied. Prävalenzerhebung zur Pflegeabhängigkeit in Pflegeheim und Kliniken. Nightingale, 3(3), 19-26.
- Zhang, S.Q., Wang, H.M., Yang, X.Y., Ye, W.Q. (2016). The Care Dependency Scale: psychometric testing of the Chinese version. Chinese Nursing Research, 3(2), 62-65. j.cnre.2016.06.005.
- Zürcher, S.J., Vangelooven, C., Borter, N., Schnyder, D., & Hahn, S. (2016). Psychometric testing of the Italian and French versions of the Care Dependency Scale. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(12), 3207-3215.